IAVA Completes First Member DC Fly-In in Three Years
March 7, 2023
CONTACT: press@iava.org
Washington, DC – Last week, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) successfully completed its first Washington, DC Member Fly-In in three years. IAVA staff were joined by 15 Member Advocates competitively selected from around the country. Broken out into separate teams, they met with 140 Members of Congress to discuss implementing the new Honoring Our PACT Act toxic exposure legislation, concurrent receipt of military retiree and VA disability benefits, women veterans, combating the veteran suicide epidemic, providing a pathway to safety in the US for Afghan wartime allies, and more. Videos of the event have been recorded and are available on IAVA’s website and social media channels.
“This year was a groundbreaking year for IAVA’s Member advocates,” said Jeremy Butler, CEO of IAVA. “Despite the challenges of COVID-19 over the past couple of years and pivoting from virtual advocacy to in-person meetings, our members persisted, and their voices were heard by Congress, highlighting the critical issues impacting post-9/11 veterans.” Butler testified before a joint session of the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees on IAVA’s priorities for the 118th Congress.
IAVA members also participated in a press conference with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and others to introduce legislation to fund the healthcare program for 9/11 responders and survivors, and joined Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) and Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) in support of the Maj. Richard Star Act to enable medically retired combat veterans to keep their retirements from being offset by their VA disability payments.
Biographies of the Member Advocates for this week are available here. IAVA’s CEO, Jeremy Butler, and Member Advocates are available to meet with the media upon request through press@iava.org.
IAVA is the voice for the post-9/11 veteran generation. With over 425,000 veterans and allies nationwide, IAVA is the leader in non-partisan veteran advocacy and public awareness. We drive historic impacts for veterans and IAVA’s programs are second to none. Any veteran or family member in need can reach out to IAVA’s Quick Reaction Force at quickreactionforce.org or 855-91RAPID (855-917-2743) to be connected promptly with a veteran care manager who will assist. IAVA’s The Vote Hub is a free tool to register to vote and find polling information. IAVA’s membership is always growing. Join the movement at iava.org/membership.