Olivia Whitaker
Title: Digital Communications Manager
At IAVA: Olivia joined IAVA in July 2023 to manage our digital media presence and help grow the organization’s impact and influence.
Professional Background: Since graduating into a pandemic, Olivia has been a digital content producer on two successful Senate campaigns (Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) in 2020 and Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) in 2022) where she led teams in producing and sharing social media content. She has been proud to create work supporting causes that she is passionate about such as environmental action, cannabis legalization, and criminal justice reform.
More about Olivia: Olivia is proudly from New Jersey and studied Communications at Northeastern University in Boston. At NU she earned minors in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Media Production, and Sports Media and Communication. Creating content that tells people’s stories is her favorite thing to do!
Ask Olivia about: Any and all sports, the specific nerd genre of Jeopardy! and crosswords, or her pit bull mix Nellie.