Linda Stanley

Name: Linda Stanley

Branch: USAF USA

Years Served: 20

Rank: 04

Military Occupation: Nurse

Hometown: Carson City, NV

Twitter Handle: @LMStanley2

Tell us a little about you outside of the military:

  • After I retired, I became a psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at the VA.
  • I also volunteer with Guide Dogs of America TLC providing service dogs for veterans.

Why are you joining the IAVA Cavalry?

  • I saw what advocacy can accomplish for veterans with IAVA. I want to continue to serve and address veterans issues and change policy.

How did your military experience shape you to be the person you are today?

  • Yes. Integrity being foremost in my life and service to others.

Which one of IAVA’s policy priorities do you believe is the most pressing? Why?

  • Mental health issues. I have lost several of my patients to suicide or overdose. I also lost 3 who I deployed with to suicide.
  • I was exposed to the burn pits in Balad and am dealing with health issues from it.

Which one of IAVA’s policy priorities do you have the strongest personal connection to? Why?

  • Besides the things I already stated, female veteran issues.


Our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets. Make a donation today to help IAVA fulfill its mission to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans.

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