
VA Inspector General Drops Subpoena for Whistleblower Records

August 19, 2015

IAVA works with Project on Government Oversight on veteran protections

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 19, 2015) — The Office of Inspector General at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has dropped its demand to turn over records related to the more than 800 whistleblowers who came forward last year voicing problems within the VA healthcare system.

After reports of fraud and mismanagement within the VA surfaced last year, IAVA partnered with the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) to launch a secure website in May 2014 that allowed more than 800 whistleblowers and veterans to come forward. The site allowed whistleblowers to avoid going directly through the VA, which faced accusations that it had retaliated against whistleblowers.

“IAVA is proud to work with POGO in giving whistleblowers and veterans a voice for our community at a time when the VA was not doing right by veterans,” said Matt Miller, IAVA Chief Policy Officer. “We are pleased to hear that the Office of Inspector General has ceased efforts to identify whistleblowers and we hope that the office will begin to focus its efforts based on what is best for the veteran.”