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IAVA | February 1, 2018

Read: IAVA in Washington SITREP—January 28, 2018

From advocating for women veterans, to defending the GI Bill, fighting for VA reform, and pushing to decrease military/veteran suicides, the IAVA DC team was running on all cylinders last week advocating for post-9/11 veterans.

Following the government shutdown that ran until Jan. 22nd, IAVA’s Political and Intergovernmental Affairs Director, Melissa Bryant, published a blog on budget developments and potential consequences of inaction. The IAVA team also attended a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on national security threats headlined by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and other prominent national security leaders. We also attended a CSIS discussion with U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, General Robert Neller, about maritime security, global threats, readiness challenges, and government shutdown impacts. IAVA keeps a close eye on these types of discussions as many of our members are still serving in harm’s way.

In addition to our DC outreach, Melissa and our Research Director, Stephanie Mullen, spent time in our New York City Headquarters to coordinate our advocacy efforts and also to participate in the annual Brooklyn borough New York City Veterans Advisory Board meeting.

While last week was busy, we plan on pushing even further on our advocacy this week. Check back here for more developments. Stay tuned!

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