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IAVA | September 7, 2016

Read: Corporal Aaron Mankin Remarks on Commander-in-Chief Forum


Today IAVA Leadership Fellow, Aaron Mankin, delivered the following remarks regarding IAVA’s Commander -in-Chief Forum:

Good evening. My name is Aaron Mankin. I served in the United States Marine Corps as a corporal–and I am proud to continue serving as a member and spokesperson for IAVA. Too many big events start with a General, it’s about time one started with a Corporal!

On behalf of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America–I-A-V-A–and our over 400,00 members and supporters worldwide, I’d like to welcome you all to the first EVER Commander-in-Chief Forum!

IAVA is proud to be the creator and host of this first-of-its-kind event. It’s a truly historic moment for our community–and for all Americans.

IAVA would like to thank the entire team here at the Intrepid. They make this ship great. We’d like to especially thank our IAVA Board Members and the Co-Chairmen of the Intrepid, Mr. Ken Fisher and Mr. Bruce Mosler. We’d like thank Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton. And we’d like to especially thank our dedicated friends at NBC and MSNBC for making this night possible.

While serving in the US Marine Corps in 2005, I was wounded during an IED attack. I came home to over 60 surgeries. And yet, in many respects, my transition has been easy. You can see my scars, but many of us bear hidden wounds. And tragically, because of those wounds, we lose 20 of our brothers and sisters every day to suicide. We mourn their loss, but we honor their memory. We fight on, in their memory.

Tonight, I am here for them. And we are all here for them. Just like IAVA has been there for me–and hundreds of thousands of others for the last 13 years.

We are here for those who need VA health care, but get lost in red tape.

We are here for the women who wore the uniform as I did, but often don’t get the same recognition.

We are here for our military families that sacrifice alongside us.

We were are here for the fallen–and the families that continue to honor their memory.

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