
Read: With Senate Recess Approaching, SVAC Attempts to Ram GI Bill Cuts Through

July 14, 2016

The IAVA Team learned yesterday that Senate Veterans Committee Chairman Johnny Isakson (R-GA) has “hotlined” the so-called “Veterans First Act” that will cut the Post-9/11 GI Bill by $3.4 billion.  By “hotlining” the measure, Chairman Isakson is seeking to fast track approval for this bill and is not allowing dissent from those who stand with IAVA against the cuts.

It takes only one Senator to stop the bill from passing. We know that at least three Senators are pushing back on this new development to seek an open process. Today Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) made her opposition public. We applaud these Senators for their efforts, and if you haven’t already, ask yours to #DefendTheGIBill:

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With one day left until recess it’s all up to you!!