
Read: RRRP Weekly Impact Report July 27

August 3, 2018

RRRP client quote of the week:

“I received the notice that my VA rating has been approved! This is because of your guidance, encouragement and helping me stay on track. You were patient, persistent, and a polite professional.”

RRRP processed 15 new cases this week and provided 19 new referrals for clients. Financial assistance, suicide and mental health, and physical health care needs were the top areas clients sought support and assistance with. RRRP served two new clients that were suicidal or at-risk of suicide and two new clients that were facing homelessness. RRRP also had inquiries for education related needs and guidance with VA disability claims. Clients continue to report a reduction in stress after working with RRRP’s Veteran Transition Managers.

Overall Impact Metrics:

YTD 2018 Impact Metrics:

RRRP Gender Breakdown:

RRRP Client Average Age: 41

Weekly Metrics:

Top 3 Programs Referred to this Week:

Referral Partner Highlight: Puppies Behind Bars
Puppies Behind Bars is a non-profit organization that trains prison inmates to train dogs for injured veterans and explosive-detection canines for law enforcement. Puppy Behind Bars’ Service Dogs for Those Who’ve Served Us was established in 2006 and provides service dogs to combat veterans who deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan and sustained injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Labrador Retriever Puppies are trained in prison from 8 weeks to 20 to 28 months of age and then each puppy is effectively matched with a veteran in need. Puppies Behind Bars is currently training approximately 50 dogs in four different prisons and each will be placed with a veteran once training is complete. Puppies Behind Bars is a trusted partner of IAVA’s and our Rapid Response Referral Program (RRRP) has referred 10 veterans in need to this amazing and unique program.

Total Referrals by Referral Type
referrals by type

Gender Breakdown
gender breakdown

VTM Customer Service
vtm customer service

Average Partner Program Quality Rating
avg partner program quality

Average Stress Level at Intake
avg stress at intake

Average Reduction in Stress Level at Conclusion
avg reduction in stress

Record Count – Open Cases by Location
cases by location

Total Cases (veterans and family members) Opened by Week (Last 4)
cases by week

Cases by Month for last 12 months
cases by month

Number of Referrals to Program Partners in Last 4 Weeks

Number of referrals in the past week
referrals past week

If you or someone you know is looking for resources or support, RRRP’s Veteran Transition Managers are ready to assist. For more information please reference our FAQ page.