
Read: RRRP Weekly Impact Report February 15

February 20, 2019

RRRP Client Quote of the Week:

“Thank you so very much. It’s been about 4-5 years together and you’ve always been so much aid and assistance. I’m truly grateful for you.”

RRRP processed 25 new cases and provided 40 new referrals for clients this week. Housing and homelessness, financial assistance and legal needs were the top areas clients sought support and assistance with. RRRP served 4 new clients at-risk of suicide and 12 new clients that were either homeless or at-risk of homelessness. RRRP also received requests for assistance with employment needs and navigating the VA disability claims process. Clients continue to report a reduction in stress after working with RRRP’s Veteran Transition Managers.

RRRP Blog Highlight: When Post 9/11 GI Bill Transferability Goes Wrong

Overall Impact Metrics:

YTD 2019 Impact Metrics:

RRRP Gender Breakdown:

RRRP Client Average Age: 41

Weekly Metrics:

Top 3 Programs Referred to this Week:

Referral Partner Highlight: Semper Fi Fund
Semper Fi Fund was founded in 2004 by Marine veteran spouses and provides critical support for the most seriously injured post 9/11 veterans by providing resources and assistance to facilitate successful transitions back to civilian life. Semper Fi Fund offers a multitude of support including: financial assistance, adaptive housing and transportation, education and career transition assistance, and family programs. This effective program works will all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and has provided $157 million in assistance to more than 19,000 veterans and their families. One of RRRP’s most frequently utilized and trusted partners, Semper Fi Fund has received more than 360 referrals from RRRP and has been able to successfully intervene and positively change the trajectory of many client’s lives.

Total Referrals by Referral Type
referrals by type

Gender Breakdown
gender breakdown

VTM Customer Service
vtm customer service

Average Partner Program Quality Rating
avg partner program quality

Average Stress Level at Intake
avg stress at intake

Average Reduction in Stress Level at Conclusion
avg reduction in stress

Record Count – Open Cases by Location
cases by location

Total Cases (veterans and family members) Opened by Week (Last 4)
cases by week

Cases by Month for last 12 months
cases by month

Number of Referrals to Program Partners in Last 4 Weeks

Number of referrals in the past week
referrals past week

If you or someone you know is looking for resources or support, RRRP’s Veteran Transition Managers are ready to assist. For more information please reference our FAQ page.

IAVA is changing and saving lives daily. This program is currently funded by generous grants from Cigna Foundation, The Resnick Family Foundation, and The Kahlert Foundation, Inc. Thank you for your continued support. To learn more about RRRP and how to support this program, please contact