
Read: RRRP Spotlight: How We Advocate for you

June 3, 2015

The Rapid Response Referral Program’s Veteran Transition Managers serve many roles in working with veterans and family members. It is true that our VTMs work hard to link vets to vital resources, but it is also our role to advocate on their behalf. That might mean calling the local VA and pushing for the vet to get an earlier therapy appointment, calling a Supportive Services for Veteran Families program to explain why the family does in fact qualify for housing services, or talking to a landlord about holding off on an eviction notice while the vet works out a payment plan. Recently the tenacity of the RRRP VTMs has resulted in getting a veteran’s lights turned back on, helping a vet locate service documents that seemed lost in the system forever, taking an organization to task for giving dirty used furniture to a vet in need, and even helping to get a World War II vet a spot in a VA nursing home that had a long waiting list.

Our team cares deeply about making sure you get what you deserve and will push to help you get there.

“Other places I’ve called made me feel like I’m pretty much garbage. Talking with you, I feel like maybe I am worthy? It is the combination of your assertiveness and kindness that has really helped me.” – RRRP client
