
As 2024 Presidential Election heats up, Veteran Vote is a Jump Ball

August 23, 2023
Flash Polling Press

An overwhelming number of IAVA veterans will be voting in this election, but more than 40% will remain undecided until they know final candidates

August 23, 2023

Washington, DC — Today, as the GOP primary heats up, candidates appear at their first debate, and former President Trump sits down with Tucker Carlson for an exclusive interview, IAVA veterans are listening with a keen ear. 

In a survey of our membership conducted earlier this summer, more than 88% of IAVA veteran members expressed that they would be voting in the upcoming election, but an incredible 43.7% of those aren’t ready to make up their minds until they see the final candidates. Only 27.3% are sure that they will support the Democrat in the general election and 24.3% will support the Republican.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the upcoming election, but one thing is for certain – the veteran vote is a jump ball,” said IAVA’s CEO Allison Jaslow. “No party and no candidate should take our votes for granted, and you can bet that we’ll be showing up at the polls next November.” 

The survey of our verified veteran members, that received 550 individual responses and was conducted the week of July 17th, also addressed other news of the day. 67% of IAVA veteran members support US involvement in Ukraine, whereas 22% do not. 73.5% support national legalization of marijuana in order to help veterans get access to this alternative form of medical care, while  11.2% oppose. And an overwhelming 69% of IAVA members support the DoD and VA stepping in post-Dobbs Supreme Court ruling to ensure that troops, veterans, and families have access to needed reproductive care. 17.9% oppose this. 

For full details on the short survey, please click here.  

IAVA is the voice for the post-9/11 veteran generation. With over 425,000 veterans and allies nationwide, IAVA is the leader in non-partisan veteran advocacy and public awareness. We drive historic impacts for veterans and IAVA’s programs are second to none. Any veteran or family member in need can reach out to IAVA’s Quick Reaction Force at or 855-91RAPID (855-917-2743) to be connected promptly with a veteran care manager who will assist. IAVA’s The Vote Hub is a free tool to register to vote and find polling information. IAVA’s membership is always growing. Join the movement at
